A dance that is an axe for the frozen sea inside us, relentlessly making ritual objects for a tribe that doesn’t exist, a lingering sentence on one horse and nine hearts, a fanfare heralding a renewed ethos of intimacy.
Meadow, meadow, meadow is a triptych by choreographers Elina Pirinen and Maria Saivosalmi, French – Palestinian performance artist Jassem Hindi and Irish theatre artists Ruairí Donovan and Cathy Walsh.
Meadow, Meadow, Meadow invites viewers to witness and take part in the slow storms of the solar plexus, shared and lonely physical acts, many forms of extremism, a crime that had already taken place and strange tenderness. This non-story is not a catharsis, but it radiates warmth and comfort.
Together with lighting designer Heikki Paasonen, the heralds and a surprise ensemble founded for the triptych create a delicate avalanche of peculiar bodies, voices and landscapes which can and cannot live without each other.
Together, they form 2 hours contemporary landscape, where complexed and simple physical, vocal and visual events spirals into eachothers in unexpected way affecting each other and moving forward with the inevitability of a slowed down avalanche.
The weight carried is the perception of all that is essential for the human condition, like a quiet storm in the solar plexus.
Meadow 1: Elina Pirinen
Meadow 2: Jassem Hindi, Ruairi Donovan, Cathy Walsh
Meadow 3: Maria Saivosalmi
Lighting and space design: Heikki Paasonen
Visual concept of the space: Pirinen, Saivosalmi, Paasonen, Hindi
Costume Design: Pirinen with the working team.
Current cast: Sean O’ Dalaghan, Ruairí Donovan, Jassem Hindi, Alli Mattila, Aleksi Holkko, Vicky Langan, Elina Pirinen, Maria Saivosalmi, Aino Voutilainen, Cathy Walsh
Mentor: Simo Kellokumpu
Production: Zodiak – Center for New Dance, Elina Pirinen, Maria Saivosalmi, Jassem Hindi
Supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Finnish Cultural Foundation, Oscar Öflunds Stiftelse
Ice Hot Nordic Dance Platform, Copenhagen 2016
Seoul Performing Arts festival, Seoul 2018
Main image: Katri Naukkarinen
Images 1–4: Katri Naukkarinen, 5: Timo Wright
Teasers: Timo Wright
Complete performance documentation on request.