ANGEL (2016)
Angel is the subconscious. Angel is commitment. Angel is saliva. Angel is sensitivity. Angel is rage. Angel is spirit. Angel is sensitivity. Angel is protection. Angel is a skeleton. Angel is sensitivity. Angel is situation. Angel is sex. Angel is sensitivity. Angel is politics. Angel is a river. Angel is sensitivity. Angel is a goth. Angel is rest. Angel is sensitivity. Angel is thought. Angel is romance. Angel is sensitivity. Angel is mouth open. Angel is destiny. Angel is sensitivity.
Angel is a work for one dancer, eight voices of Lumen Valo (’Glow of Snow’), a vocal ensemble specialising in polyphonic vocal music of the Renaissance, harpist Salla Hakkola and mass of delicate light.
Angel is the reality of a human being who fragilely and committedly plays with powerful states of existence, surrounded by a cantata-like soundscape. Together the body and the voices formulates performative states between cultivation and primary.
The actions articulate a desire to construct the environment and the climate of living on parameters of sensitivity, which is not calmed down but rising rage.
Choreography and dance: Elina Pirinen
Lighting design: Heikki Paasonen
Dramaturge: Heidi Väätänen
Music: Lauluyhtye Lumen Valo
Harp: Salla Hakkola
Friend of Angel: Leena Nordberg / Olli Kontulainen / Aleksi Holkko
Mentor: Sonja Jokiniemi
Production: Zodiak – Uuden tanssin keskus, Elina Pirinen, Lumen Valo
Premiere: 17th of May 2016 in Zodiak Pannuhalli big stage
The performance takes place in the frame of the project [DNA] Departures and Arrivals which is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the EU
Main image: Katri Naukkarinen
Performance images and teaser: Timo Wright
Complete performance documentation on request.